New York Times bestselling author of Deep Cover, The Big White Lie and Triangle of Death.
Not only was Levine one of the most decorated undercover agents in the history of the Drug Enforcement Administration but he is also one of only a handful of agents that was known for excelling at the most dangerous of all undercover assignments: "Deep Cover." Levine would travel the globe posing as an American Mafia don armed with nothing but a false passport and a pocket full of cash to conduct face-to- face multi-ton drug trafficking deals with the world's top drug barons. He is active as a court qualified expert and trial consultant in Covert Operations, International Narcotics Trafficking, Informant Handling and Police Use-of-Force. His New York City radio program, The Expert Witness Show, can be heard on WBAI 99.5 FM as well as Stitcher.com and iTunes.

The Hidden Story of Pablo Escobar's Queen of Cocaine, as told in The Big White Lie, by NY Times Bestselling Author, Michael Levine.

Sonia Atala, without any doubt, was not only the most powerful woman drug trafficker in the world, but also, by far, the most beautiful.
She sold cocaine globally for the Bolivian government at a time when Bolivia was the source of 90 percent of all cocaine being processed in Colombia.
She was Pablo Escobar's chief source of supply. He named her "La Reina con la corona de nieve" The Queen with the crown of snow. The queen of cocaine.
Sonia, who never served a second behind bars for shoveling mountains of cocaine into the brains and veins of Americans for more than a decade was both a DEA Informant and a CIA Asset. I posed as her lover during Operation Hun, the deep cover sting operation that brought down the whole Bolivian cocaine government. The only place on earth that you can read the true story and understand why it has been hidden from the world for decades, is in The Big White Lie. Spanish Translation: La Guerra Falsa

The Stacks: A DEA Agent at War with the War on Drugs

TheDailyBeast.com has featured a reprint of the late Mark Kram's fantastic profile on Michael Levine, originally published as
"The Betrayal of Michael Levine" in the March 1991 of Esquire. A thrilling read by a fantastic writer, the piece reads like
a film-noir thriller, detailing Levine's fight to bring attention to the failures of the American "War on Drugs."
Mark Kram was one of Sports Illustrated's most lyrical writers of the 1960's and 70's and the author of a book about the
tormented relationship between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier.

Triangle of Death eBook Now Available

"Triangle of Death" by Michael Levine has just been published in Epub digital version by Amazon.com,
iBooks and BarnesandNoble.com.
The name was coined by a US prosecutor when a world map used to diagram the conspiracy, black pins for
homicides, green pins for cash exchanges, white pins for heroin and cocaine deliveries, formed a triangle
covering three continents. Europe, South America and the US. Triangle of Death is the only book ever published that gives an
accurate depiction of The Auguste Ricord organization and its downfall.
Ricord, a French Nazi collaborator during
WWII was sentenced to death by France in absentia. Aided by OSS the forerunner of CIA, he was spirited out of
Europe to Paraguay before the French could capture him. From his Paraguay headquarters, protected by CIA, he set
up the global drug and death dealing organization the was the source of the heroin seized in the fabled
French Connection. Ironically, the book, a fact-based an action thriller, an authentic deep cover odyssey,
has more accurate detail about the function of this organization and its ongoing protection by CIA than anything
the authors' could find in any other source. The organization was the first to combine massive heroin and cocaine
shipments into the US. Michael Levine, a young special agent with DEA was a part of the original investigation.
When first published the first run of this book sold out in hours, and hit best seller lists throughout the country,
then shipments to book stores inexplicably disappeared. Michael appeared before an audience of 5,000 at the
Marin County Auditorium, San Francisco, in an event sponsored by radio and TV personality, Michael Savage.
The publisher, Barnes and Noble ordered 2,000 books to be available at the presentation. None were delivered.
It took weeks of investigation to learn that the ISBN serial number for the book had been mysteriously altered
in the computer, making it impossible for any retail book outlet to reorder the book. An event that in the
history of book publishing, had never happened before. All investigations into how this happened yielded no
Among the factual revelations of the book is the attempt and limited success of this organization to genetically
alter cocaine into a sexual enhancement drug (with violent side affects) that made it both highly addictive and
extremely dangerous to anyone in the vicinity of users; and an interrupted trade, Mideast oil for this genetically
altered drug that would have made it a weapon of terror.

The above photo captures the beginning of the takedown of the Ricord organization in the early 70s.
Pictured is Claude Pastou, (wrists cut from suicide attempt) DEA Agents John Coleman and Mike Levine (without handcuffs).
The massive world-wide arrests and extraditions to the US had begun. Pastou admitted responsibility for smuggling
well over a thousand kilos of heroin and cocaine into the US, while working for Ricord.
Among those brought in from South America by DEA on that day were Lucien Sarti, an assassin whom some
believe was the trigger man in JFK's assassination and Christian David, fugitive from France for the murder of
two French policemen who attempted suicide by eating a light bulb.
Purchase The Triangle of Death — $2.99
Amazon Kindle
iTunes Bookstore (for Apple products)
Barnes & Noble NOOK
Kobo (Adobe DRM EPUB)

La Guerra Falsa eBook Now Available

Ten years after its initial publication, The Big White Lie continues to affect the politics
surrounding America's War on Drugs, and now it enters the digital age to continue to trumpet the
failures of the phony war.
La Guerra Falsa, the Spanish translation, now brings the shocking revelations to the Spanish-speaking community.
This Spanish edition was what, in 2011, led to Bolivian President Evo Morales banning the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency from ever
again entering Bolivia.
El libro La Guerra Falsa (The Big White Lie), escrito por el autor de mayor venta del New York Times y antiguo agente
secreto de la DEA, es una observación imperceptible de la operación profundamente encubierta y altamente
secreta que destapó el sabotaje de la CIA sobre la guerra contra las drogas. El periódico New York Times
describió este libro como "espeluznante", no ficticio, y que se "mueve con la velocidad de una novela de
supenso de la más alta calidad". Publishers Weekly le otorgó una calificación de varias estrellas llamándolo
"una revelación impactante".
Purchase La Guerra Falsa — $1.99
Amazon Kindle
iTunes Bookstore (for Apple products)
Barnes & Noble NOOK
Kobo (Adobe DRM EPUB)

Michael Levine to Appear on H2's America's Book of Secrets

Mike Levine, "called America's top undercover agent for 25 years" by 60 Minutes, will featured by the History Channel 2
in its series "America's Book of Secrets." In one of several stories censored by US media, The author of N.Y.Times bestseller "Deep Cover"
and "The Big White Lie" will speak of his experience working a deep cover case which involved living with Chinese/Thai heroin traffickers
in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War: The true story of the "Body-bag Case" (smuggling heroin into the US in the bodies and body-bags of our KIAs)
made public for the first time -- not the fiction put out by Hollywood -- will be told on the History Channel 2 broadcast of Friday 5/24/13.
Click here for more information.

Deep Cover eBook Now Available

Almost 25 years after its initial publication, "Deep Cover," a NY Times bestseller by former DEA agent Michael Levine, is now available in eBook format!
The first-hand account of the sabotage of a DEA undercover sting operation that threatened to expose US government ties
to drug financed governments in Mexico, Panama and Bolivia, is now available in all major eBook retailers,
Purchase Deep Cover — $4.99
Amazon Kindle
iTunes Bookstore (for Apple products)
Barnes & Noble NOOK
Kobo (Adobe DRM EPUB)

Michael Levine to Speak at Bloomsburg University

Bloomsburg University presents "Life as an International Deep Cover Agent," with speaker Michael Levine, on April 1, 2013 at 7pm EST, in Carver Hall on the campus of Bloomsburg University. This is a Free Admission event.
Join us for a fascinating discussion with the man called "America's top undercover cop" by 60 Minutes, and author of NY Times Bestseller Deep Cover and national bestseller The Big While Lie.
Michael Levine is one of the most decorated supervisory agents in the history of the Drug Enforcement Administration. He has also served with great distinction with the US Customs Service, ATF, IRS and the FBI/DEA Task Force.
This event is sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts, and the Department of Sociology, Social Work and Criminal Justice at Bloomsburg University. Doors open at 6:30pm EST. For more information, please visit Bloomsburg University's Criminal Justice Department online at http://www.bloomu.edu/criminal_justice.

The Big While Lie eBook Now Available!

Almost 10 years after its initial publication, The Big White Lie continues to affect the politics surrounding America's War on Drugs, and now it enters the digital age to continue to trumpet the failures of the phony war.
Now available on Kindle, NOOK, and iPad, you can now read about Michael Levine's startling first-hand account of the CIA's sabotage of the Drug War using your favorite eReader.
Purchase The Big White Lie — $2.99
Amazon Kindle
iTunes Bookstore (for Apple products)
Barnes & Noble NOOK
Kobo (Adobe DRM EPUB)

Evo Morales & the Big While Lie

On March 3, 2011, Bolivian President Evo Morales vowed before the world press that DEA would never again be permitted to enter Bolivia. He cited the events in La Guerra Falsa (the Spanish language translation of The Big White Lie) as proof of America's covert use of the War on Drugs to manipulate his and other governments as his justification. This event was largely ignored by American mainstream media. As a consequence, the American taxpayer who is paying the price of the War on Drugs in drug related deaths, homicides and more than a trillion in taxes, continues to be left in the dark.
This book is not about the betrayal of the Bolivian people; it's about the betrayal of both our peoples by individuals in CIA and the Department of Justice whom in a sane world should have been indicted for treason and complicity to mass murder.
Since the first publication of this book in 1993, CIA Inspector General Frederick Hitz admitted CIA's support of the same drug dealers targeted by DEA,
in essence, corroborating every accusation documented in these pages. Furthermore, Federal Judge Robert Bonner the DEA Administrator went public on 60 Minutes and called CIA drug smugglers.