Michael Levine is the author of NY Times non-fiction best-seller DEEP COVER, and FIGHT BACK (How to Take Your Own Community Back From The Drug Dealers) and was also the
subject of Donald Goddard's biography UNDERCOVER. He is co-author (with Laura Kavanau) of THE BIG WHITE LIE ("La Guerra Falsa") and TRIANGLE OF DEATH. Today, Mr. Levine's
books continue to acquire sterling reviews and international recognition.
Mr. Levine is one of the most highly decorated DEA agents in that agency's history. He was charged with design and orchestration of some of the government's most
significant national and international Deep Cover and conspiracy investigations. Mr. Levine held multiple positions in the DEA, including Group Supervisor in the
New York City Field Division, Special Operations Officer worldwide and Country Attaché to Argentina and Uruguay.
Since 1973, Mr. Levine has taught narcotics investigative procedures throughout the United States, Canada, Australia and South America, including but not limited to
lecturing for the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, New York State Police, Ontario Provincial Police College, Canadian Mounted Police,
The US State Department, the NYPD, Australian Police and numerous other police agencies. In 2009 he authored the student manual "Undercover Tactics and Informant handling"
for the New York State Department of Criminal Justice Services. In 2011, he authored a translated version of this manual for the U.S. State Department.
In addition, Mr. Levine is currently working for the U.S. State Department, lecturing the Brazilian Federal Police on Undercover Tactics and Informant Handling.
Since 1990, Mr. Levine has worked as a trial consultant and expert witness. He has reviewed and commented upon in excess of 300 full case files,
relating to both civil and criminal matters. His areas of expertise include Covert Operations, International Narcotics Trafficking, Informant Handling,
Police Use-of-Force, Blind Mule Defense and more. Mr. Levine's work involves lengthy reviews of the investigative and law enforcement practices of many agencies,
including but not limited to: FBI, DEA, Customs, Homeland Security, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Immigration and Customs Enforcement and more than 30 local,
state and city police agencies throughout the U.S.
Mr. Levine has served as a media law enforcement consultant for top national TV and radio shows including 60 Minutes, McNeil Lehrer News Hour and Frontline.
Mr. Levine has also been retained as a technical consultant for multiple television series, and has appeared as an expert on various law enforcement related topics for
numerous local television shows around the country. He has made guest appearances on hundreds of local and national radio shows around the country. Michael Levine's
New York City radio program, The Expert Witness Show, can be heard on WBAI 99.5 FM as well as Stitcher.com and iTunes.